Construction, Planning and Infrastructure

Are you seeking comprehensive, competent and swift advice and representation in all areas related to real estate, in connection with complex construction projects or within the scope of public procurement procedures? All of this requires not merely comprehensive legal knowledge but also commercial understanding, experience and tactical skills to consider your individual interests.

Our experts possess extensive knowledge of the processes of real-estate, construction and procurement law and boast many years of experience in the sector. We look after all strategic and operational legal matters for construction and development projects. Our clients include the public sector, property developers and real-estate companies of all types and their domestic and foreign private and public shareholders as well as private constructors.

Our specialised lawyers advise both clients and contractors in all matters concerning construction law and plant construction. We furnish comprehensive advice and support for public-sector clients in all questions regarding procurement law and state aid law.

We provide complete assistance for you and inform you promptly and in a focused manner about important legal developments, risks and practically orientated design possibilities.

We look forward to acting for you in areas including the following:

  • Real-estate commercial law
  • Private construction and architectural law
  • Public-private partnerships
  • Procurement law
  • European state aid law

Our team


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