Sandra Zemke


Sandra Zemke


Sandra Zemke

Sandra Zemke advises energy suppliers as well as communities and their shareholders on all aspects concerning energy law and laws on renewable energies since 2008. Her particular areas of expertise include inter alias legal advice on the regulatory framework regarding renewable energy projects (especially network connection and the resulting costs, framework conditions, verification management, information requirements and sanctions). Her responsabilities include legal support during administrative procedures (e.g. in front of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control or in front of regulatory authorities) as well as the representation of clients both in and out of court. Due to her long-term experience Sandra Zemke has a well developed economic understanding as well as extensive knowledge of the specific issues of energy companies.

  • Renewable Energies: Support of projects and investors during the whole project cycle (inter alia network connection, “direct marketing”, renumeration and compensation claims)
  • Energy Litigation: Appearing in front of regulatory and supervisory authorities and in court
  • Industrial Energy Supply: Energy procurement, industrial selfsupply with media (power, gas, heat, cold, compressed air), special equalization scheme
  • Regulation: Design of contracts regarding the energy network, smart metering, special forms of network usage (closed distribution systems, site networks), individual network charges, unbundling, grid take-overs, appearing in front of regulatory authorities and in court
  • Concession Contracts: Advice of communities and bidders in concession-allocation, preparation an implementation of the various procedural steps and legal protection, concession fees
  • wom.e.n – Women.Energy.Network e.V.
  • Forum Contracting
  • Arbeitskreis der Landeskartellbehörde Nordrhein-Westfalen zur Änderung des Konzessionsvergaberechts (2013 bis 2017)
  • Admitted to bar: 2009
  • Since January 2020 at Hoffmann Liebs
  • 2014 – 2019 at RWP Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB
  • 2011 – 2014 at Baker Tilly Roelfs Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
  • 2008 – 2011 at PwC Legal AG Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft
  • Legal Clerkship at Higher Regional Court Koblenz
  • Studied law at the Universities of Trier and Graz
  • Kommentierung der §§ 51 bis 55a EEG 2017, in: Baumann/Gabler/Günther, EEG, 1. Auflage 2020
  • Kommentierung der §§ 37 bis 39 EEG 2014, in: Gabler/von Hesler, EEG 2014 – Der Praxiskommentar, 1. Auflage 2015
  • Renewable Energies: Support of projects and investors during the whole project cycle (inter alia network connection, “direct marketing”, renumeration and compensation claims)
  • Energy Litigation: Appearing in front of regulatory and supervisory authorities and in court
  • Industrial Energy Supply: Energy procurement, industrial selfsupply with media (power, gas, heat, cold, compressed air), special equalization scheme
  • Regulation: Design of contracts regarding the energy network, smart metering, special forms of network usage (closed distribution systems, site networks), individual network charges, unbundling, grid take-overs, appearing in front of regulatory authorities and in court
  • Concession Contracts: Advice of communities and bidders in concession-allocation, preparation an implementation of the various procedural steps and legal protection, concession fees
  • wom.e.n – Women.Energy.Network e.V.
  • Forum Contracting
  • Arbeitskreis der Landeskartellbehörde Nordrhein-Westfalen zur Änderung des Konzessionsvergaberechts (2013 bis 2017)
  • Admitted to bar: 2009
  • Since January 2020 at Hoffmann Liebs
  • 2014 – 2019 at RWP Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB
  • 2011 – 2014 at Baker Tilly Roelfs Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
  • 2008 – 2011 at PwC Legal AG Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft
  • Legal Clerkship at Higher Regional Court Koblenz
  • Studied law at the Universities of Trier and Graz
  • Kommentierung der §§ 51 bis 55a EEG 2017, in: Baumann/Gabler/Günther, EEG, 1. Auflage 2020
  • Kommentierung der §§ 37 bis 39 EEG 2014, in: Gabler/von Hesler, EEG 2014 – Der Praxiskommentar, 1. Auflage 2015

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