Dr. Oscar Yu


Dr. Oscar Yu


Dr. Oscar Yu

Dr. Oscar Yu is a licensed Chinese lawyer and a member of the China Desk at Hoffmann Liebs. He completed his law degrees in both Germany and China.
Mr. Dr. Yu advises Chinese companies about entering the German market and German companies on investments in China at Hoffmann Liebs. He specializes in international company founding, corporate compliance and M&A transactions.

  • International Commercial and Corporate Law
  • Chinese Commercial Law, Employment Law and Compliance
  • International Artribution
  • Chinese Bar Association
  • German-Chinese Bar Association (DCJV)
  • Since 2017 at Hoffmann Liebs’ China Desk
  • 2014-2017  Managing partner Jade Fountain Lawyers Shanghai
  • 2001-2014  Co-head und partner Beiten Burkhardt Shanghai
  • 2006-2009  Research assistant at the Max Planck Insititute for Foreign and International Criminal Law
  • Doctorate at the University of Freiburg
  • Master’s degree at the University of Göttingen
  • Studied law at the Nanjing University (Bachelor of German Studies and Law)
  • “Their outbound China practice also experienced a renaissance: In the meantime, they have 4 Chinese lawyers who take care of Chinese SMEs in their activities in Germany.”
    “Hoffmann Liebs Fritsch & Partner has built up a flourishing inbound practice for the Chinese middle sized companies.”
    JUVE Handbook Commercial Law Firms 2017/2018 
  • International Commercial and Corporate Law
  • Chinese Commercial Law, Employment Law and Compliance
  • International Artribution
  • Chinese Bar Association
  • German-Chinese Bar Association (DCJV)
  • Since 2017 at Hoffmann Liebs’ China Desk
  • 2014-2017  Managing partner Jade Fountain Lawyers Shanghai
  • 2001-2014  Co-head und partner Beiten Burkhardt Shanghai
  • 2006-2009  Research assistant at the Max Planck Insititute for Foreign and International Criminal Law
  • Doctorate at the University of Freiburg
  • Master’s degree at the University of Göttingen
  • Studied law at the Nanjing University (Bachelor of German Studies and Law)
  • “Their outbound China practice also experienced a renaissance: In the meantime, they have 4 Chinese lawyers who take care of Chinese SMEs in their activities in Germany.”
    “Hoffmann Liebs Fritsch & Partner has built up a flourishing inbound practice for the Chinese middle sized companies.”
    JUVE Handbook Commercial Law Firms 2017/2018 

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